Christopher Tunnard outwardly maintained a flawless composure. He managed to be unfailingly polite. As a young man he was slim and good looking, well groomed with well-cut suits, giving the impression of being well-to-do. He was organised and articulate, always seeming to be on top of the situation. For example, his talks were all exactly on target, with just the right amount of dry humour, and he never ran out of time. He was very professional in his behaviour, and initial contact was usually quite impersonal. American acquaintances could find him slightly reserved, austere, even aloof. They thought of him as very English. When, however, they were able to overcome first impressions they found he was thoughtful, gentle and shy, and always a gentleman. He had great humanity, being always kind and considerate, and made a pleasant, diligent and stimulating teacher and colleague.