This concluding chapter argues that recognizing that the goal of job creation is a central global challenge is not the same as having a common understanding of what that entails in terms of both a conceptual framework and appropriate policy actions. Hence, this chapter argues the case for a shared understanding of key issues and concepts as well as an objective reading of the evidence on the theme of employment and inclusive growth. What have we learnt? What needs to be done and how do we move forward? In responding to these questions, the chapter re-enacts a series of refutable propositions that might be regarded as part of conventional wisdom and spells out where common areas of agreement ought to exist. Such common agreement can spawn a shared vision of how to respond to the challenge of attaining inclusive growth in developing countries through the route of employment growth. The propositions that are discussed here should not be associated with any specific individual or institution. The purpose is to highlight proclamations that might lead to misguided actions.