The physical and psychological benefits of participating in regular physical activity are well documented (see Powell, Paluch and Blair, 2011, for a review). Consequently, national health organisations and agencies (such as the World Health Organization; US Department of Health and Human Services, UK Department of Health) are directing health promotion efforts at encouraging the general population to engage in a physically active lifestyle. Current physical activity guidelines indicate that 150–300 minutes per week of moderate intensity activity (like walking) provides substantial health benefits, while similar benefits can also be achieved by 75 minutes per week of vigorous intensity activity or a combination of both moderate and vigorous intensity (Garber et al., 2011; Powell et al., 2011). Although the benefits of activity outweigh any risks, with the adoption of an active lifestyle or when the volume/intensity of activity being undertaken is increased suddenly (subsequently placing the individuals body under increased levels of stress) comes a greater exposure to the risk of injury (Andersen and Williams, 1988; Colbert, Hootman and Macera, 2000; Jones and Turner, 2005; Morrow, DeFina, Leonard,Trudelle-Jackson and Custodio, in press; Nicholl, Coleman and Williams, 1995).