No. 280.-00NVENTION between Great Britain and Germany respeoting the Boundary betuJeen the Gold Coast and TO(Joland, aigned at Berlin, 26th September, and at London, 2nd December, 1901.

THE Undersigned, after careful discussion of the contents of Art. V of the Convention of the 14th November, 1899 (No. 277) between Great Britain and Germany, and of Art. IV of the Agreement of tho 1st July, 1890 (No. 270) between the same Powers, beg to submit the following agreement for adoption by their respeotive Governments:

River Da'ka Boundary. Art. I.-The Boundary Commissioners shall commence their

work by surveying the oourse of the River Daka from its junction with the River Volta as far as the 9th degree of north latitude. Within theso limits, the thalweg of the River Daka shall form the boundary between the British and German territories.