The inspectors of IAEA 31 led by Perricos arrived in Baghdad on the evening before the GOI issued its third declaration, which disclosed various enrichment programs. According to the original schedule, the inspection should have ended on 12 July. But because of the new information provided by Iraq, the mission was extended six more days. There were five experts, designated by UNSCOM, participating. Usually inspectors were divided into different groups, and in the case of IAEA there were three: group I dealt mainly with the Al-Qaim facility, group II with the nuclear material and hot cells at the Tuwaitha site, and group III with the other locations in Tuwaitha and other sites. Each group had a coordinating inspector. In addition to 26 inspectors there was a group of supporting staff. It included a radiation protection expert’s team, a general support team, two EOD personnel, a Non-Destructive Assay and equipment officer, a central recording and administration officer, and three recording officers.