Ranks Nos. 2 to 4 form what is known as the J: ~ Shang4 Teng3, Highest Class, made llP of .::::: £Ii Sani Chi2, Three Grades.

5. .iE m i!Ji Cheng4 Ts'an1 Ling3, Colonel; 3A (of the rank of f1( ~ 11! An4 Ch'a2 Shihs-see No. 830-0f the civil service); holds the position of Commander of a Regiment (see No. 661), Commander of Engineers of a Corps (see No. 671), Senior Adjutant of a Corps (see No. 663), Arms Inspector of a Corps (see No. 668), Chief of Staff of a Division (see No. 662), Judge Advocate of a Corps (see No. 672), or Corps Surgeon (see No. 675).