Instruction; literary designation, !'tIM 'ill Tuan l Ssut, and -g ffli Kung i Chan!; under the Yuan Dynasty called filft ~ Ch'u3 Yiian'. This department was specially charged with the direction of the studies of the Heir Apparent. but, as the Emperors of the reigning dynasty, for reasons already mentioned (see No. 12), forbore from making the selection of an Heir

930. !f!.l JI ~ rra • !§1 m p, Tsung3 I,is K 0 4 Kuo2 Shih4 Wu4 Ya2 Men2, or, more explicit, ~!t.J!«~ roo ii fj. Ii m r'l Tsung3 Lis K04 Ku02 T'ungl Shangl Shih4 \Vu4 Ya2 Men" Office of Foreign Affairs; established ih 1861 and administered by £f!.l ~_~ iii • !~ * g! Tsung3 Lis K 0 4 Kuo? Shih4 W u4 Ta4 Oh'en2, Members (for details see No. 305).