See in Part I : Abd-al-Rāhman III, Abū Yūsuf ya’qūb, Afonso Enriques of Portugal, Alfonso the Battler of Aragón, Alfonso III of Asturias, Alfonso VI of León and Castile, Alfonso VII of Castile and León, Alfonso VIII of Castile, Alfonso X of Castile and León, Alfonso XI of Castile and León, Al-Mansūr, Boabdil, El Cid, Enrique de Trastámara, Ferdinand I of Castile, Ferdinand II of Aragón, Ferdinand III of Castile and León, Isabella of Castile, Jaime I of Aragón, Juan I of Aragón, Juan I of Castile and León, Muley Hasan, Ordoño II of León, Pedro I the Cruel of Castile and León, Pedro III of Aragón, Ramiro II of León, Sancho III of Navarre, Yūsuf I, Yūsuf ibn-Tāshfīn.