Professor Matti Savolainen (MS) of Oulu University in Finland do this interview on November 13, 2000 in English and translated it into Finnish for the journal Kulttuurintutkimus (Cultural Studies). Matti Savolainen states that in the United States, the 1960s and '70s witnessed the emergence and strengthening of theory and theoretical discourse, with some academics focusing solely on theoretical works and virtually giving up reading literature. He asks Vincent B. Leitch (VBL) at the moment, do you see that the craze for theory has waned or somewhat calmed down or has it found its place in certain enclaves only. Vincent replies that he recalls in the 1970s taking a personal vow not to write about literature any more, but to focus solely on theory. Similarly the different interview questions made by MS with the answer made by VBL are explained in this chapter.