This chapter focuses on the second set of collective actor: giant politicised corporate conglomerates. It explores the process of informal party colonisation ‘from above’ is explored within the context of the Czech Republic, thus within a two-pillar party system composed primarily of the Social Democrats and the centre-right Civic Democratic Party. The risks in connection with the pro-business policy of the governing parties in the Czech Republic, thus the threat of an excessive convergence of national politics and big business, were similarly noted by Jiri Psenicka. The resignation of Roman from the position of director general and his transfer to the post of chairman of the supervisory board of CEZ in 2011 took place suddenly and without explanation. The non-transparent and clientelist activity of CEZ is analysed for the reason that this concerns the largest and most powerful firm in the country, and also because its activities have been the most comprehensively mapped by the investigative media.