This chapter introduces Part II, which is entitled ‘International Perspectives on Physical Literacy’, and comprises chapters written by colleagues in eight countries across the world. These colleagues, in their different ways, have played a leading role in the development of physical literacy in their country. The chapters are presented in alphabetical order of the countries: Australia, Canada, continental Europe, India, New Zealand, Scotland, Wales and the United States. As will be seen, these individuals come from a range of backgrounds and contexts. The authors from Australia, Canada and continental Europe work in the university sector, while the colleagues from New Zealand and Wales work in the sports sector. The colleague from the United States has a background in a professional association for teachers of physical education. The founding interest for work in India came from a national sports star, and the chapter is written by a colleague in a sports foundation. The authors from Scotland represent a partnership between public health and a university. This introduction identifies those organisations that launched physical literacy in a country and some of the reasons for their interest in the concept. The chapter also surveys interpretations of the definition and identifies partnerships developed with other organisations