In the second part of the book, the body ecology of emersive leisure is geographically situated in leisure environments which favour the exaltation of sensibility in various ways (see especially Chapter 8 by Jean Corneloup, Philippe Bourdeau and Pascal Mao). This is mostly produced in non-competitive recreational activities that do not seek measurable performance (see especially Chapter 9 by Bernard Andrieu, Terezinha Petrucia da Nóbrega and Olivier Sirost and Chapter 10 by Florian Lebreton and Bernard Andrieu), while competitive sports bring about different kinds of body activation and emerging feelings (see Chapter 11 by Irena Martínk-ová and Jim Parry). The last two chapters discuss two environments which enable the recosmologisation of the world – naturism (in Chapter 12 by Olivier Sirost) and encounters with otherness in an academic environment (Chapter 13 by Gilles Lecocq).