28 Goddys worschypfull seruantys, as 3e knoeþe all, þis day 3e 29 a calleth Twelfeday. But all || mys ; for hit ys þe þretteneth day of Crystynmasse. Þe whych day holy chyrche makeþe and calleth þe Epyphany, þat ys yn Englysche tonge: þe schowyng of our 32 Lord Ihesu Cryst, veray God and man, þat he was. For þys day holy chyrche makeþe mynde, how Ihesu Cryst was schewet veray 48God and man þre wayes: by þre kynges offryngys, yn his one folowyng, and by watyr ynto wyne turnyng. The þretten day aftyr his burþe, he was schewet by offryng of þre kynges; and 4 þat same day, ix and xx ti wyntyr and xiii dayes aftyr, he was folowet yn þe watyr of flem lordan. And þat same day, twelmo[n]þe aftyr, he turnet watyr ynto wyne at þe weddyng yn þe Cane of Galyle. But, for þys fest makeþe mynde of þes kyngys 8 offryng, þerfor pursew we þe forme of holy chyrche, and tell how yn hor offryng Ihesu Cryst was schewet veray God and man.