Goode men and woymen, þys day ys called yn holy chirch 8 Sonday yn Sexagesin. Þen 3e schull knowe well þat Sexagesin ys sette for a nowmbur of þre score. By þe wliech nowmbyr 3e schull vndyrstond þat holy chyrche techeth yche man and woman, to þenke on how schort 1 a mannis lyfe is now in our dayes ouer þat 12 hit was in olde tyme before 1 . For, summe tyme, men lyuedon IX hundyrt wyntur and more; but, now, he þat lyuyþe þre score 3er or 2 summewhat more, he ys taken for a long lyuyng man. But þe goodnes of God ys so moche, þat yf we wyll be wyse yn our 16 schort lyue forto plese God and saue our soules, he woll 3eue vs as moche mede yn Heuen, as he 3af hom þat lyued soo mony 3eres. Þen he þat woll haue þat mede of God, he most haue þre þynges wythe hym; þat ys: forto suffyr tribulacyon mekly, forto 20 do almes-dede dyscretly, and forto hate synne namly.