Good men and weymen, such a day 3e schull haue Seynt 4 Andrawys daye, and fast þe euen. Þe whech dey 3e schull come to þe chyrch to serue God, and forto worschip the holy apostoll for þe speciall uertues þat he hade: an for his hygh holynes of lyvyng, anoþer for gret myracles doyng, the thrid for gret passyon 8 s suffryng. He was a man of holy lyuing ; for when he herd þat Seynt Ion Baptyst prechet yn deserte, he laf[t] al his worldes occupacyon, and 3ede to hym, and was his descypull. Then befell hit apon a day Crist come walkyng, and when Seynt Ion 12 segh hym walkyng, he sayde þys to his dyscypull: ‘Lo, 3onde ys Godys lombe þat schall do away þe syn of þe world.’ And when Seynt Andrew herd þat, anon he laft Ion and suet Cryst. And when he herd Crist preche, hym lyket soo well þat he fatte 16 Seynt Petyr, his broþer, to Crist forto here his prechyng. And þen þay boþe casten such a loue to Cryst, þat on a day sone aftyr, as 1 þay wer yn þe see of Galyle fyschyng, Cryst come by hom, and callet hom. Þen þay boþe anon laften hor schippe, 20 and hor nettys, and all þat þay hadden, and sewet Crist forþe ay, tyll he stegh ynto Heuen. And when he was gon ynto Heuen, || Andraw prechet Goddys worde to þe pepull. 4 a