Goode men and woymen, as 3e knowen wele all, þys 1 day ys called Whitsonday, for bycause þat þe Holy Gost as þys day bro3t 4 92 b wyt and wysdome ynto all Cristes dyscyples, || and soo by hor prechyng aftyr ynto all Cristys pepull. Then schull 3e knowe þat mony haue wyt but not wysdom; for mony haue wyt forto speke wele and forto teche well and wysly, but all to fewe 2 þat han 8 wysdom forto do well. For þer ben mony wyse techers, but mor harme ys, all to few good lyuers; for mony traueluþe bysyly forto haue wyt and ccnnyng, but few þat trauelythe aftyr knowlech of good lyuyng. Þus wyt of sle3t ys made moch of, and wysdom of 12 holynes ys not sette by. For he þat haþe wyt to gete goode, he ys holden a wyse man; but he þat haþe wysdom forto forsake good and be pore for Godys sake, he ys holden a fole. Neuerþeles be a mon neuer so ryche, at þe last he schall be pore; for 16 no3t he bryngyþe ynto þys world, and no3t he schal bere out wyth hym. But þe Holy Gost, he bryngyþ wyth hym boþe wyt of his prechyng and wysdom of goode lyuyng; for he þat lyueþe well, he techeþ wele, for a good ensampull ys a good doctryne. 20 The grace as þis day was yn Cristys dyscyples, for þay ta3ten wele and lyueden well. Soo by hor good techyng and by ensampull of goode lyuyng, þe fayþe of holy chyrche ys sprad þrogh all þe world. Þen how þay comen to þys grace, now schull 3e here. 24