Goode cristen men and woymen, as 3e all knowen, þys day is called Trynyte Sonenday, and ys an he3 princypall fest in holy chyrche. For þeras oþyr tymes of þe 3ere holy chyrch makeþ 20 solempnyte of oþyr festys þat ben halowet yn þe worschyp of þe Sonne, as Cristenmas-day, and Astyr-day, and þe Ascencyon-day; and in þe worschyp of þe Holy Gost as Whytsonenday and þe weke aftyr ; but now þis day is halowet in þe worschip of þre persons 24 yn Trinite: Fadyr, and Sonne, and Holy Gost. Wherfor, as I hope, 3e ben comen þis day to þe chyrche forto do reuerence and worschip to þe holy Trynyte, hauyng perfet fayth and full beleue in þe Trynyte. Neuerþeles, forto styr your deuocyon more to 28 þe Trinite, 3e schull know why, and how, and what was þe cause pat þys fest was ordeynet. This fest was ordeynet for þre skylles : for þe trynyte furst fyndyng, for heretykes hegh confondyng, and for þe hegh Trynyte worschypyng. 32