98 a16 Cristen men and women, 3e schul knowe well þat þis is an he3e feste in holy chirch of Cristes body, þe which is eche day offred 1 vp in holy chirch in þe auter to þe Fader of Heuen in remission of synne to 2 al þat lyuen here in perfite charite and in 20 gret socoure and reles of her payne þat hen in purgatori. Then schul 3e know þat þis fest was fondon by a pope 3 þat was called Vrban þe fourth. He had gret deuocion in þis sacrament, con-syderyng þe gret grace of God and he3e help þat God 3euet to al 24 his pepul by vertu of þis sacrament. Wherfor he ordeynet þis fest forto be halouet þis Þursday, next after þe fest of þe Trinite. For ry3t as eche cristen man and woman þat wol be saued mot nede haue perfite charite in þe Trinite, ry3t so mot he haue ful 28 fayth and beleue in þe sacrament of Cristis body þat is made in þe auter by vertu of þe holy wordys þat þe prest sayed þer, and by worchyng of þe Holy Gost. Then, for þis holy pope 3 po3t forto draw Godis pepul wyth þe bettyr wyl to þe chirch þat day, 32 he grawnteþ al þo þat ben verely schryuen and contrite for hyr synnes, and ben in þe chirch at boþe euensonges of þis fest, and 169at masse, and at maytines, for eche of þes a hundret days of pardon, and for eche oþyr owre of þis day fourty days to pardon, and for eche day of þis vtas a hundret days to pardon to dure fore euermore. 4