8 Good men and woymen, such a day 3e schul haue Saynt Iamys day, Godys holy apostol. Wherfor 3e schul fast his euen, and on 12 þe morow come to þe chyrch, and worschip God and hys holy apostoll. Thys lames apostoll was a ful holy saynt, for he come of full holy kynde: he was our lady sustyr sonne and Crystys awnte, and Seynt Ion þe Euangelyst broþer, and was send by 16 ordenaunce of al þe apostols ynto Spayne, forto prech Godys worde, and forto turne þe pepull þat wer out of þe beleue ynto Cristys fayth. But, for þe pepull was so fers and so comburet wyth deseyt of mawmetry, he my3t turne no mo but nene 1 men. 20 Of þe whech he lafte too þer forto preche, and vij toke wyth hym, and 3ede a3egne ynto þe Iury, for he herd þat þer was a man þat was full of deuelys craft, þat was callyd Ermegines, and his dyscyple þat was callet Filet.