12 God men and woymen, such a day 3e schull haue Seynt Laurenceys day, þat ys Godys holy martyr. Þe wheche martyrdome, as Mannus seyth, schynyth to al holy chirch, and lyghtyþ al þe worlde. Wherfor 3e schull fast his euyn and com on þe 16 morow to þe chirch yn þe worschip of God and his holy martyr; for he was holy yn lyuyng, he was meke 2 yn passion suffryng, and perfet yn ensampull 3euyng. Þen saythe Seynt Austeyn þat an ensampull yn doyng ys mor commendabull þen ys techyng oþer 20 prechyng. Therfor Seynt Laurance 3af all cristen men ensampull yn doyng techyng ych man forto schewe a3eaynys malyce mekenes, a3eynys couetyes largenes, a3eynys persecucyon louyng swetnes.