4 Good men and woymen, such a day 3e scbull haue Seynt Thomas-day of Ynde, þat was Crystys holy apostull, and fast 8 þe euen, and come to chyrche þat day to worschyppe God and his holy apostole Seynt Thomas, as all holy chyrche dothe, and specyalle for þe propurtes þat þis apostle had; þat ben to say: hegh preuyng of our fay, grette wondres yn his way, and gret 12 myracles on his day. This holy apostoll preuet so oure fay, þat he lafte no scrypull yn no parte þeryn. For when all þe dyscy-pull beleuedon and tolden hym, þat Cryst was rysyn from dethe to lyue, and þay haden seen hym on lyue, and spoken 16 wyth hym, Thomas vnswaret and sayde he wold neuer beleue þat, tyll he had put hys fyngyr yn þe wond þer þe nayles wern dryuen yn Crystes hondes, and put his hondes yn Crystys syde, yn þe wond of þe spere. Then viii dayes aftyr, when all þe 20 dyscypules wern yfere, and Thomas wyth hom, þen come Ihesu bodely to hom, and seyde to hom: ‘Pees be to you!’ And þen he sayde to Thomas: ‘Come and put þi fyngres yn þe holes of þe nayles þat persed my hondys, and put þy hondys 24 ynto my syde, and be no lengyr out of beleue, but heraftyr stedfast yn þe byleue.’ Then when Thomas had soo ydo, anon he criet for wondyr and for fere, and sayde: ‘My Londe and my God !’ Þat ys forto say: ‘Now I beleue, Ihesu, þat þou art 28 God and man.’ Then sayde Cryst to hym: ‘Thomas, for þou haues seen me, þou beleuest yn me.’ This þe taryng of Thomas byleue broght vs yn full byleue, and to þe || beneson of 11 a Ihesu Cryst. Of thys sayth Saynt Gregory þus: ‘Moch more 32 Thomas of Inde helpys me to þe fayth þat wold not byleue, tyll he had hondelet and groped þe wondes of Cryst, þen Mary Mawdelen þat byleuet anon at þe forme tyme and furst.’ Þus Thomas preuet our fay.