Good men and woymen, such a day N. 3e schull haue Seynt Kateryns day. Þe whech day 3e schull come to þe chyrch, and 4 worschyppe God and thys holy mayden and martyr Seynt Kateryn. Then schull 3e know þat Seynt Kateryn was a kynges doghtyr. But þogh scho wer comen of so gentyll blod, 3et, for Goddys sake, scho sette noght by þe pompe of thys world; but set al hur hert 8 yn oure Lord Ihesu Cryst. Wherfor when scho hadde ben at scole, and was lernet at þe fall, and cowth dyspute wyth any clerke þat come to þe scole, when scho herd þat Maxencius þe Emperour come to þe cyte of Alysaundyr, forto make a solemp offryng to 12 his mawmetys of bullus, and caluure, and othyr bestys, soo þat all þe cyte dynned of þe noyse of hom, then Kateryn blessyd hur, and 3ede ynto þe tempull to þe Emperour, and bo[l]dely rebuked hym, and sayde he dyd fowle forto worschip þes fendes, and leue þe 16 worschyppe þat he schuld do to his God of Heuen, þat made all þyng of noght, and send hym lyfe, and hele, and all þyng to hys nede, and preuet hym by open reson þat Crist was God, and boght mankynd on þe crosse wyth his deth out of þe fendes bondage. 20 Then bade þis Emperour do hur ynto ward tyll he myght be at leysyr forto here hur; for þen he was so besy forto ples hys goddes, þat he myght not tend to hur.