116 b As 3 here all seyne, a man and a woman ben wedclut togydur os þe lawe of holy chyrch techuth. God of hys godenesse 3f hem grace so to kepon þe sacrament þat þei han takon, so þat God be 4 payut, and þei worscheput þerby 1 in Heuen and in erthe. But for per ben many þat takuth þis sacrament and wyttuth lytul whatte charge is þerwyth, þerfore I wil schortely at þis tyme schew 2 3ow what þis sacrament is, þat 3e schullon in tyme comyng 8 drede God þe more and kepon 3oure ordur þe bettur. Wherefore 3e schul knowon þat þis sacrament is holy, furste for gode begyn-nyng, sython for gode leuing, and aftur for gode endyhg; for þei þat takuth hede what charge þei take at þe begynnyng and ben 12 besy to kepon it aftur in hure lyuyng, þey 3 schul comyn to þe blysse þat is wythowtyn endyng.