The university and the city should thus be linked, and their co-operation rendered conscious and effective by the needed School of Sociology, at the same time an Institute of Synthetics. The advance of science is not merely an increasing knowledge of facts, but it depends also upon our increasing generalization and mastery of these, towards classification and interpretation. The progress of mathematics is thus essentially an advance of notations; and this the chemist and physicist clearly recognize. Biologists have their classifications and their diagrams. When explaining notation of life to his students and friends, Geddes makes us play with him his lifelong game of paper-folding. "Just the kindergarten," he tells us, if the children and their teachers understood what they are doing, as they some day will. The study of place grows up into Geography; that of work is Economics; that of folk is Anthropology. But these are commonly studied apart, or in separate squares touching only at a point.