IN two previous studies we considered the bodily life of the individual animal and plant—how they keep agoing from day to day. This is the subject of the science of Physiology, which inquires into the “go “of the living creature. But this requires to be broadened by thinking of the bustle of life and all its intricate “give and take.” This is often called Ecology. Diagram suggesting some of the relations between organism and environment, 1. An influence from surroundings may produce a modification on the organism. 2. An activity of the living creature may change the environment. 3. An environmental influence may affect the creature without any structural change. 4. An activity on the organism’s part may affect the environment without causing any readily appreciable change. https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780203705568/ddd3fccb-b02e-4ec3-bb55-b316faa49ca8/content/fig_21.tif"/>