Shopper/buyer Insights show that, unsurprisingly, on the journey to purchase, the shopper/buyer builds up a 'mind file' on a brand or product or retailer or supplier. The shopper/buyer adds every relevant message to that mind file, whether from advertising, from direct messages online, through the post, from mobile/social media and word of mouth or personal experience. Technology allows a marketer to analyse data and social media for better Insights and to be more precise in targeting messages so that there is less waste and less sending of inappropriate messages to the wrong shoppers/buyers, which of course can irritate. Promotional marketing is found whenever a supermarket offers 'three for the price of two', a pub offers a happy hour, an insurance or charity mailer offers a free pen for replying or a product offers a free draw, competition or mail-in. The chapter also presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in this book.