This chapter suggests that the Museum of the Accident is an important and provocative ‘event’ that raises disturbing questions about progress and disaster: Virilio wants to create an interruption in people’s way of seeing the world. In an interview with Virilio, Lotringer discusses the idea of interruption in these terms: ‘Interruption is what allows people to take their distance and reclaim their consciousness from the blindness of sight. Interruptions wake people up from the delusions of control. This idea of interruption is central to Virilio’s critical theory, the interruption of people’s habituation to the propaganda of progress, or their normalization to the society of speed, panic and endo-colonization. One of the most influential positions on the future of technology and society is the ‘technical fix’ argument. When people confronts a problem such as climate change, a problem that potentially requires a radical transformation of all aspects of contemporary life, they have to deal with the information bomb.