In this book we have examined the processes of educational decision-making for professionals charged with the responsibility of intervening in the learning of individual students who experience difficulties. A number of frameworks related to learning intervention have been presented to support practice. These frameworks are intended to make explicit the thinking and decision-making that is necessarily inherent in much learning intervention, and to provide reference points for consideration of future actions and for later evaluation. The questions they contain are the basis of the Educational Casework Process. Together with those in the Responsive Teaching Framework they act as prompts for reflection during and after any learning intervention cycle. Professionals can use these questions to structure personal reflection as well as in supervision relationships. The questions can also support planning for professional learning, and act as a framework for gathering evidence for accountability purposes, such as teacher or other professional registration requirements. In this final chapter, we present a collation of the frameworks so that they are easily accessible for use in practice, that is, to specifically scaffold the process of learning intervention through evidence-based educational casework.