This chapter covers three devices involving restating parts of a sentence: anaphora, epistrophe, and simploce. Anaphora repeats the same word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses; epistrophe repeats words or phrases at the end of successive clauses; and simploce combines anaphora and epistrophe by repeating elements at both the beginning and ending of successive clauses. Style Check 11 discusses using short sentences for emphasis. Define Your Terms asks students to define each of the rhetorical devices discussed in the chapter and to provide their own examples of each one. It’s in the Cloud asks students to research how rhetorical and stylistic cues help a reader determine the ethos or character of the writer. Salt and Pepper 11 informs students about the use of anaphora with prefixes and suffixes, not just words. The chapter ends with a Review Questions quiz and Questions for Thought and Discussion, asking students to think about some of the ideas discussed in the chapter.