More than two-thirds of the workforce is employed in the Plant, though for its female component that is a much smaller proportion. Most women work in township administration, the company school system or one of its hospitals. Even for the post of Plant Attendant, however, this requirement was subject to inflation. In 1994 Bhilai Steel Plant was working its way through the slate of candidates who had lodged their papers in 1983. With contract labour assigned many tasks formerly done by Plant Attendants, a higher proportion of recruits have been taken on as Technician-cum-Operative Trainees (TOTs) or Senior TOTs. Compassionate appointments would only be made in cases where the worker had died in a Plant accident, in an accident on his way to or from work, or in cases in which his medical incapacity could be clearly attributed to his employment. For workers posted outside the Plant, promotion is slower and on that account some get themselves transferred.