At the last census in 1931 the population of Greater London 1 was 8,203,942 and that of the administrative county 4,397,003. By 1936 the total was estimated to have risen to 8,575,700. The number of persons living in the administrative county was estimated to have fallen to 4,141,100, which was less than the number in outer London (4,434,600) by nearly 300,000. This compares with a population in Greater Paris of 4,933,855 (1931), of which 2,891,000 is contained within the city walls. The population of Berlin in 1933 was 4,190,847; 2 that of New York was 6,900,000 in 1930, 3 and estimated to be 7,434,346 in 1937. Greater London contains more persons than any one of 15 European states, including Holland, Belgium, Greece, Finland, Bulgaria, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and Denmark. It comprises approximately one-fifth of the population of Great Britain. In 1801 there were fewer persons living in the whole of England and Wales than are today inhabiting Greater London.