Mass balance equations for transport processes in reservoirs and in porous media have been developed at various degrees of complexity by a number of researchers. Corapcioglu and Baehr (1987), Abrióla and Finder (1985a,b), Kazemi et al. (1978), Ngheim et al. (1973), Crookston et al. (1979), Coats (1980), Young and Stephenson (1983), and Youngren (1980), to name a few, have developed compositional simulators to a high degree of sophistication, as is necessary to model the multiphase, multicom­ ponent flow. For a review of the subject, the reader is referred to Corapcioglu and Panday (1991a). A compositional simulator describes mass balances for components present in the reservoir fluids rather than the phases and, therefore, the complexity of the system is higher. In the definition of governing equations, our starting point is the three-dimensional macroscopic conservation of mass equations for each compo­ nent in each phase, i.e., water, gas, oil, and soil solids (Figure 1 ).