Contributions in French began to appear in Der Kreis's predecessor Menschenrecht in 1941 with the purpose “above all of also winning subscribers in French-speaking Switzerland” (K 20.12:03). Not unexpectedly, however, after the end of World War II many of the authors of French articles and fiction in Der Kreis were not Swiss, but French, especially since there was no comparable journal in France until 1954. One of the best of the fiction writers was R. Gérard, who also wrote numerous excellent book reviews using the signature “R.G.D.” 1 From 1958 to 1967 there were 34 short stories by him, several in two or three parts, and 42 book reviews. Among the French-speaking Swiss, Bichon 2 stands out, not only for the number of his articles, short stories, and poems, but especially for their charm and wit.