Variations in the way that the input series, U, and its first difference ∆1 Uare coupled into the recursive loop parameters, as summarised in the filter W in Figure 5.1, affect profoundly the observable U → Yobs (Re),or stimulus → response relationships. As the topology of these relations is the prime interest here, and the numerical values mean little, the graphs produced have, for pictorial clarity, quite arbitrarily been scaled at 0 – 50 for the stimuli ( actually 0 < U < 1), and 0 – 50 for the responses, which given the U range and the {W, a, e, η, ζ, ε} sets used can range over a great diversity of numerical values. This process of rescaling for the graphs has been referred to as normalization. In some cases the actual values are shown in the output of the computer graphics program employed.