In an era when teachers commonly report that up to half of the children in their classes come from multiple homes and have multiple caretakers, the special psychological challenges of stepparenting have never been in greater need of examination.  As thoughtful clinicians have long known, stepparenting is among the most complicated of psychological projects: it may simultaneously be a multifaceted burden and a spur to personal autonomy, deepened sensitivity to others, and newfound competence as a nurturer.  Among the thousands of divorced people who remarry each year, most - despite their best resolve to live in the present - persist in reassessing the price of separation, especially as they come to appreciate the fact that divorce is seldom a total break for their children.

Stepparenting is a comprehensive exploration of the process of reconstructing families.  More specifically, it is a book about the perils and promise of stepparenting, a caretaking role that may be more challenging than biologically given child rearing.  Contributors follow people as they try to reevaluate past misunderstandings and acclimate to new parenting contexts and obligations.  Editors Cath and Shopper have taken pains to offer a balanced purview that includes both successful and maladaptive instances of stepparenting.  Of special note are the clincal examples throughout the book that chart the extended periods of slow, creative learning experienced by parents and children, biological and step, as they test the waters of new family systems and try to elicit newly attuned responses from each other.

part |16 pages


chapter |14 pages


Varieties and Job Descriptions

part |108 pages

Developmental Considerations

chapter |2 pages

Between Marriages

A Period of Dread

chapter |17 pages

Affect Tolerance

A Crucial Requirement for Substitute Parenting

chapter |1 pages

The “Henry VIII” Syndrome

The Mystical Biological Bond Versus a Stepfather's “Watching Her Spoil Her Own”

chapter |13 pages

Fear of Maternal Aspects of a Stepmother

A Homage to My Stepmother, a Woman Who Transcended Living with an Adolescent Stepdaughter

chapter |6 pages


Stepfathers in Midlife and Beyond

chapter |2 pages

The Death of a Stepfather

A Funeral That Cuts All Ties

part |91 pages

Clinical Dimensions

chapter |16 pages


Clinical Explorations

chapter |4 pages

The Ready Acceptance of a Stepfather

“I Learned to Love Him Very Slowly”

chapter |18 pages

Stepdaughters and Stepfathers

Living Together in a Haunted House

chapter |3 pages

A Parade of Pseudostepfathers

Altruism and Gratification in a Surrogate Stepfather

chapter |15 pages

On Childless Stepparents

chapter |14 pages


Love and Hate Factors in the Outcome of Stepfatherhood

chapter |19 pages

Small Step, Giant Step

A Stepfather

part |25 pages


chapter |12 pages


What Is It, and How Did It Come to Be?

chapter |8 pages

Oedipal Reenactments with Stepmother and Stepfather

Incest and Splitting of the Superego

chapter |3 pages

“Reluctant but Necessary Rape” in the Life of a Tween

What is it, and how did it come to be?

part |53 pages

Cultural, Social, and Gender Implications

chapter |17 pages

Uncounted Stepfamilies

Remarried Fathers and Their Wives

chapter |15 pages

Birthlands, Steplands, and Adopted Lands

The Immigranf's Tryst with Psychogeographic Maps and Territories

part |32 pages

Forensic Issues

chapter |12 pages

Legal Rights of Stepparents

A Concept in Development

chapter |4 pages

Some Forensic, Financial, and Transference Considerations

A Stepdaughter as “Family Brick”

chapter |14 pages

Forensic and Therapeutic Issues in Stepparent Adoptions

A Psychoanalytic Perspective