Metal organic frameworks (MOFs) are materials consisting of metal nodes and organic spacers showing permanent porosity. There exist several porous and large specific surface area materials such as zeolites, single-walled carbon nanotubes, silica, nitroprussides, akaganeites, Prussian blue analogs, and covalent organic frameworks. However, the synthesis of a moderately stable flexible framework MOF is an interesting task. Meanwhile, COFs are extended crystalline organic polymeric structures, where the building blocks are organic molecules topologically linked by covalent bonds into extensive lattices producing porous materials. The main purposes of the research reported in the present paper were: the synthesis, elucidation of the structure of three COFs labeled: LH004, LH006, and LH008. To meet the objectives of the reported investigation, the COFs were synthesized using a modification of the dynamic polymerization method. Adsorption is not only an application, it is also a characterization tool, which allows the investigation of their surface chemistry together with the geometry of their adsorption space.