Imagine what you would say in each situation and say it aloud. Then, listen to the audio and put a check next to the option that best matches what you came up with.

Ex. 1.

At a business meeting someone just presented her business card to you.

a. _____ b. ✓ c. _____

Ex. 2.

Your teacher is taking attendance and has just called your name.

a. ✓ b. _____ c. _____


You are helping out at a reception desk at an event. You are handing a name badge to the attendee who just checked in.

a. _____ b. _____ c. _____


Someone is waving in your direction and calling your name.

a. _____ b. _____ c. _____


You have just given your business card to a new acquaintance.

a. _____ b. _____ c. _____