Holding is described here as a relational attitude of intense presence that is similar to concepts such as alliance and empathy. Furthermore, it is not considered to be a specific phase but to be a constant presence which translates into various modalities of “being present” for the other in the course of the various phases of the therapy. The instrument proposed is a reformulation of the model of the “three Ps” proposed by Eric Berne (1972) and conceptualized in such a way as to be easily utilized together with Malan’s (1979) triangle of conflict. Permission, protection, and potency are seen here as being specific instruments to be used, respectively, in favouring the emergence of hidden emotions, in forming a safe and protective environment in the light of possible manifestations of anxiety, in sustaining invalidating defensive aspects during the session. In the second part of the chapter, the term “holding” is further discussed and various meanings are explored with the aim of stating the modalities of use in the various phases of therapy.