The aim of this chapter is to create an integration between models that involve on the one hand the technical-conceptual instruments of Transactional Analysis and on the other hand Malan’s triangles (1979).

For each vertex of the triangle of conflict, therefore, we aim to identify the TA concepts that are closest to the theorization proposed, while trying to “translate” into TA language that which is expressed in psychodynamic terms. The same occurs in developing the intertheoretical bridges between the triangles of persons and the TA instruments, such as Bernian diagnosis. The basic idea is that words originating from different theories really describe identical phenomena; this makes it possible to get to the common origin of the language which is only superficially dissimilar, recognizing the peculiarities but at the same time integrating their vision on the basis of the actual phenomenon.

Specifically, this chapter, but really the whole book, is aimed at professionals who are not necessarily familiar with TA theory. For this reason, there is an appendix which contains a basic glossary of TA terms with the aim of allowing a better understanding of the text and to make it accessible to as many professionals as possible who are interested in intensive methodologies.