Michel Onfray claims that the concept of jihad is found in the Torah. The Quran, the Gospels, the Torah require interpretation. Religion was relegated to the private sphere in an affected and ahistorical manner, only to be reproached whenever it dared overstep its boundaries. Neo-paganism may be hailed, proclaimed, even motivated under a theological and philosophical profile, or it may instead be a phenomenon that is unaware that it is often no different from the uncritical adherence to the religion of capitalism. Despite interpreting religion as a sort of last-ditch attempt or parting shot, it manifests all the irritation and exacerbated disenchantment in the face of a complex event moving forward alongside globalization. Religions look upon the court of Gentiles with a certain mistrust and unhidden preoccupation; they refuse to recognize in secularism a neutral ground where exchange and debate among different ethical standpoints may occur as a universal language, should guarantee a kind of collective identity.