This chapter focuses on the general principles of the management of a child with stable or progressive sensorineural hearing loss including auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder. Chemotherapy ototoxicity monitoring protocols with subjective and objective assessment of hearing and vestibular function is required to adjust therapeutic dosage. Some infections such as congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) and occasionally congenital syphilis can cause late-onset or progressive hearing loss. Infections causing a hearing loss include congenital conditions such as rubella and CMV, and acquired childhood infections such as mumps, measles, meningitis and chronic otitis media. A systematic review on neonatal toxoplasmosis showed that the use of anti-parasitical therapy initiated early showed very encouraging results in preventing sensorineural hearing loss. A comprehensive ophthalmic assessment is required as deaf children are heavily reliant on the sense of vision in order to develop efficient communication skills and explore the world around them.