The otic placode forms the otocyst, giving rise to the membranous labyrinth in the fourth week and the facial nerve becomes distinct. Conditions related to malformations of the first or second arch such as Treacher Collins and Goldenhar syndromes will usually mean that the facial nerve is abnormal too. Many children with the CHARGE association also have feeding and swallowing difficulties, and facial paralysis and pharyngeal in-coordination may be important diagnostic indicators of CHARGE association. A report from Connecticut, an endemic area, describes Lyme disease as the cause of over 50% of facial paralysis in children. In the report on neonatal facial paralysis, Smith et al. found 74 out of 95 cases to be secondary to trauma associated with pregnancy and delivery. Misdiagnosis may lead to serious consequences, as reported by FM. Aynaci and Y. Sen in a case of a hypertensive child with facial paralysis. Bell's palsy was suspected and steroids were given, resulting in hypertensive pontine haemorrhage.