This chapter discusses recurrent Differentiated Thyroid Cancer and outlines an approach to management of this complex problem. Initial risk stratification systems for differentiated thyroid cancer focused on mortality. In 2009 the American Thyroid Association (ATA) recognized the importance of risk group stratification in recurrence prediction. A publication from the ATA recognized the importance of the status of the neck in predicting locoregional recurrence. The goals of managing recurrent disease in thyroid cancer should be considered prior to embarking on a course of management. The management of recurrent thyroid cancer is complex and surgical intervention may be difficult due to involvement or proximity of the structures in the central compartment. Thorough evaluation with cross-sectional imaging is very important. Patients with recurrent differentiated thyroid cancer truly require multidisciplinary team management. The operating surgeon should evaluate the extent of the disease and be prepared to manage the patient with a multidisciplinary approach.