As professionals, we need to step aside periodically from issues of expertise and technique to take stock of elements that go “beyond technique” that we bring into our professional lives and practice.

In the context of self-nurturing and establishing calm, approaches that have been found to have benefits to health and cognitive awareness include different forms of meditation, mindfulness (including mindfulness-based cognitive therapy –MBCT) and yoga. Obviously there is a wide array of other processes that people may find helpful.

Another issue falling under the umbrella of “Beyond technique” is “Purpose and meaning”, which of course includes at a fundamental level making a living, but may go beyond that to, for example, making a difference, having a sense of purpose and expressing our humanity in our work. For many of us, our work is tied up with our sense of identity and self-esteem.

Working holistically brings together many different components including not just our expertise and skill but working with empathy, sensitivity and self-awareness and having a fundamental (and professionally boundaried) connection with the client.