The major inorganic constituents of water originate when water in the form of precipitation dissolves atmospheric gases such as carbon dioxide and reacts with minerals on the surface of the earth. Weathering is caused by the interaction of rocks with the atmosphere and hydrosphere. The weathering of rocks involves the reactions of their constituent minerals with atmospheric gases and water. Water quality refers to the composition of a water sample. The various sources of groundwater samples include rivers, where the groundwater contribution is greatest under low-flow conditions; springs, where more direct samples may be obtained; and finally wells, which produce the most direct sampling of the groundwater. The solubility of most salts will increase with an increase in temperature; however, the solubility of most gases will decrease with an increase in temperature. Fluoride in natural waters may originate from the solution of fluorite, apatite, or more commonly from the solution of fluoride-bearing micas and amphiboles.