The “bowl” of the Crown contains R Corona, one of the most interesting variables in the sky. Ordinarily it is of around magnitude 6, on the fringe of naked-eye visibility; as in the photograph; compare it with the 6.6 magnitude star on the opposite side of the bowl near Theta Corona. A prominent Y-pattern is formed by Arcturus, Epsilon Bootis, Gamma Bootis and Alpha Corona, the leader of the little constellation of the Northern Crown. Just outside the bowl is the Blaze Star, T Corona, which is normally of around the tenth magnitude, and therefore too faint to be shown in this photograph. The Mira variable S Corona is shown here, between Eta and the little pair of stars closely to the left of Delta Bootis. Corona itself is very distinctive, though apart from Alphekka its leading stars are not bright; they range from magnitude 3.7.