Mesozoic rocks are known in Egypt since the earliest phases of geologic research in this country. The first recognised Mesozoic sequences are the Cretaceous rocks which crop out extensively. Jurassic rocks were later identified in northern Sinai and in the Eastern Desert in the district between Gebel Ataqa and Gebel Galala El Bahariya, while Triassic exposures were found to be restricted to Gebel Arif El Naga in eastern Sinai. During the Triassic central Sinai and the Gulf of Suez region seem to have been the site of the continental fluvial deposits of the Qiseib Formation with its characteristic channel and bank deposits, abundant ripple marks, mud cracks, cross-bedding and silicified tree trunks of several-meters length. A marine middle Triassic tongue of the sea terminated this fluvial episode. Jurassic rocks are exposed in northern Sinai at Gebel Maghara, Giddi, Minsherah and Arif El Naga.