The analytical framework of most studies of viscous hypersonic blunt-body flows is the theory of hypersonic (or thin) viscous shock layer (VSL, TVSL), formulated by Cheng based on the analysis of hypersonic flows over flat or axisymmetric bodies with an impermeable surface. The validity of the TVSL model for describing hypersonic viscous flows has also been confirmed theoretically by comparison with corresponding full NS calculations. TVSL solutions for a permeable surface were obtained by S.W. Kang using the Karman-Pohlhausen integral method, and by I. G. Brykina via application of the successive approximation method developed by G. A. Tirskii for the treatment of boundary layer problems. V. L. Kovalev and O. N. Suslov account for heterogeneous catalytic reactions within the framework of Langmuir's theory of a perfectly adsorbed layer, and they use the equilibrium assumption for neutralization reactions and the Ealey-Radill or Langmuir-Hinschelwood mechanisms for reactions involving neutral components.