Nitrogen is a part of all living cells. In plants, N is a constituent of chlorophyll, all proteins including the enzymes, and many other compounds. Mineralization is dependent on enzyme activity. Nitrification inhibitors have been used to delay the conversion of ammonium to nitrate as a means to reduce nitrate leaching. The development of more efficient nitrification inhibitors is increasing our ability to control the form of N available for plant uptake. Anaerobic bacterial degradation of organic matter in submerged soils is characterized by incomplete decomposition with a consequent low yield of energy for the decomposers. The ammonium formed by mineralization appears in the soil solution and establishes an equilibrium with the exchangeable ammonium. The fact that there is a strong positive correlation between clay content of soils and soil organic matter content suggests that clays may inactivate the proteolysis enzymes in some way.