A large number of naturally occurring polyanionic polymers are known to possess innate physiological properties. These natural macromolecules include polysaccharides, glycoproteins, and polynucleotides. Most polyanions are water-soluble, a property which is significant not only for transport, but also for systemic administration, since injection of suspensions into blood vessels can cause coloido-clasmic shock or macromolecular syndrome with major hypersensitive clinical toxicity. 2,3-Dicarboxymethylcellulose was prepared by oxidation of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) (20g) dissolved in water with sodium metaperiodate at ambient temperature in the dark. The amount of sodium metaperiodate added was 1.4-fold as much as the required amount for CMC powder. The chapter presents the synthesis of modified CMC by insertion as side groups of aromatic moieties. Variation of didox concentration in liver and serum for 12 hours after didox and CMC-didox administration shows that didox absorption in blood is more rapid than that of CMC-didox, but liver accumulation is more emphasized in the event of administration in the form of CMC-didox.